About Anderson Orthopedics
In 1945 the Department of Veterans Affairs opened a prosthetic departments to assist World War II veterans. When a civilian would attempt to make an appointment at Deer Lodge, they would be told it was for veterans only. An employee by the name of George Anderson started to provide the service at their house. Therefore, when a civilian was asked where they got their prosthesis from they would reply “From Anderson's House”. The name continues.
In 1946, George Anderson decided to quit Veterans Affairs and opened a prosthetic clinic keeping the name Anderson's House of Orthopedics. The business evolved and over the years orthotics was included as well. The original house was on King Edward Street, later moving to Notre Dame near Sargent Avenue. A fire destroyed the building in 1982.
The company moved to St.James Street in 1983. In 1994 the company expanded to Brandon and has developed clinics in The Pas. A year later, in 1995 Anderson's House had the opportunity to move to Deer Lodge Centre when Veterans Affairs closed their prosthetic department.
Our Mission:
Provide a superior quality of treatment that patients prefer, rehabilitation professionals recommend and employees are proud of
Anderson Orthopedics' goal is to provide the following:
A treatment plan to help our patients attain their goals and achieve their maximum potential.
Prosthetics or Orthotics that are fabricated and assessed using state of the art practices, quality components and suitable designs.